Remote Control and Wall Switch Issues

The problem could be right in your hand - a defective remote control or wall switch. Before rushing for professional help, make sure that the issue isn’t due to dead batteries on the remote control. This guide walks through how one might fix common issues related to these controls.

Mechanical Problems

If pushing buttons doesn't do anything anymore, then there might be an internal mechanical problem. Motor failures are not uncommon and often require expert attention because they involve electrical components. Here's what professionals look at when diagnosing such cases.

Noisy Operation

Your garage door shouldn't sound like a marching band every time it opens or closes. If excessive noise persists even after regular maintenance and lubrication of parts, a visit from our trained technicians will set things straight again.

Roberts Garage Door Repair

LOCATION: Manhattan Beach CA, USA
BUSINESS HOURS: Sun-Sat 8:00am - 8:00 pm

(310) 582-5629